Mini Cards Youth Clinic

We HOst TWO youth clinics each school Year!

All clinics are taught by Coon Rapids High School Cheerleaders and are open to K-5 participants. At the clinic participants learn motions, chants, jumps, kicks, basic stunting, and a short dance that they will preform at a football or basketball game following the clinic. Participants are provided poms, bow, bag and a shirt (unique to each clinic) with registration fee. Registration will be done via Google Form.

Cost Breakdown

Pay early - $50 first Mini Card, $30 each additional Mini Card you register

Pay at the door - $60 first Mini Card, $40 each additional Mini Card you register

Questions? Email the coaching staff at

Winter Clinic

Clinic 2 days: Wednesday, February 19th and Thursday February 20th from 5:30-7:30 (check in starts at 5).

Cheer at the Friday, February 21st Basketball Game.

Fall Clinic

Clinic date(s) TBD.

Football Game date TBD.

Link coming in July!